Warrior! (Mrs. Cole turned me into a warrior!)
Today in school we had a Social Studies test. Then I decided to change me into a colorful terracotta statue! Mr. Power (Shi huang di) cut my head off and pasted me on the statue. Just kidding jk!!!!...
View ArticleAcrostic Poem Of My Name!!!!
A mazing M agnificent A wesome N eat D arling A dventurous
View ArticleTaylor Swift In The Hunger Games!!
I am so excited!!! Taylor Swift is going to sing her new single “Safe And Sound” in the movie Hunger Games!!! the hunger games are AWESOME. The book is amazing, its about how these two children have...
View ArticleHow To Write A Haiku!
In order to write a Haiku (a type of poem) you have to have write your poem like this… On the first line there has to be: 5 syllables. Then on the second line there has to be: 7 syllables. Then on the...
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